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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt
Training Tips


Advanced, Basic, Hound, Puppy, Upland, Waterfowl

English Pointer being handled by personEnglish Pointer being handled by person

Dealing with Hunting Dog Injuries

by The SportDOG Staff

Cuts are common in hunting dogs. Briars, barbed-wire, broken glass, or even sharp broken saplings can slice a dog’s skin as it hunts. Appropriate field care of wounds can decrease healing time and make the veterinarian’s job much easier. Remember the watchwords: flush, fill and wrap. Flushing Fresh cuts may look quite...

yellow lab in white field blind out in a snow covered fieldyellow lab in white field blind out in a snow covered field

Working Your Dog in the Winter

by The SportDOG Staff

Keep your training sessions with your dog quick and efficient to stave off cabin fever while keeping your dog safe in inclement weather. For those of you caught in the polar vortex, you know it can limit your time out with your dog. The freezing cold temperatures can make it tempting...

Black lab getting pets from trainerBlack lab getting pets from trainer

Poor Performance in Bird Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

Your bird dog has been a strong, eager hunter with lots of pizzazz and snap, but now he has lost that snap, speed and stamina. He still eats well, is bright and alert and has normal bowel movements. Have you over-trained the dog or is it poor nutrition, heartworms or...

man petting black lab sitting on tailgate of truckman petting black lab sitting on tailgate of truck

Reward Based Training for Labs

by Charlie Jurney

Imagine you go to work this week giving your best efforts to satisfy the boss and make the company successful. During that time you forgot to return one phone call and came in five minutes late on Thursday because of a wreck on the highway. The rest of the week...

Draathar running through snowDraathar running through snow

Rigors of a Tough Hunting Season

by The SportDOG Staff

During the 2009-2010 hunting season, most of us endured our most interesting upland season in quite some time. The entire country experienced unique weather conditions this fall and winter. Hard winters often turn most of our thoughts and concerns towards, "how are the birds going to make it"? A question...

Watch for Man walking German Shorthair Pointer at heel with leash and e-collarBehaviorWatch for Man walking German Shorthair Pointer at heel with leash and e-collarBehavior

Watch for Displacement Behavior

by Charlie Jurney

No matter what breed of dog you’re training, at some point the dog will try any number of tricks to avoid giving up its alpha position. Yawning, scratching, sniffing, head shaking and licking are all ways in which your dog will attempt to delay performing a command. Your dog may...

Yellow lab puppy in back of SUV with window openYellow lab puppy in back of SUV with window open

What Does “Socializing” Your Puppy Mean?

by Tom Dokken

You hear a lot about “socializing” your puppy, but what does that mean and why is it important? Socializing is actually training. By that I mean that every time you are with your puppy he is learning something. You need to make sure he’s learning what you want him to...

Yellow lab laying down calmly in crateYellow lab laying down calmly in crate

4 Good Reasons to Crate-Train Your Dog

by Rick Grant

One of the first things you should do when you get a new puppy is get him used to spending time in his crate, or portable kennel. If your dog lives in the house, the crate is a good place for him to be when you don’t want him underfoot....

Yellow lab laying down being petted while in crateYellow lab laying down being petted while in crate

Understanding Canine Influenza

by The SportDOG Staff

If you have been watching the news lately or reading metropolitan newspapers, you may have noticed articles about a “new” flu outbreak in dogs. In some sections of the country, veterinarians are reporting a near-panic situation around this canine flu news. Here are the facts. Canine Influenza Virus is a relatively...

Yellow lab sitting in field.Yellow lab sitting in field.

Training Your Retriever for Double Duty

by Charlie Jurney

If you own a waterfowl dog, chances are that sooner or later you’re going to ask it to perform upland duty. It might be a pheasant hunt as a sideline to your Dakota duck hunt, or maybe an afternoon of quail hunting after a morning goose hunt. Most retrievers handle...

Retriever Training: The Transition to WaterRetriever Training: The Transition to Water

Retriever Training: The Transition to Water

by Tom Dokken

Retrievers love water, so you wouldn’t think that transitioning from land retrievers to water retrieves would be difficult. It isn’t, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. The key to a smooth introduction and continued improvement on water retrieves is to work in baby steps, just like you did...

pigeon being launched out of launcher with man training english setter on point in backgroundpigeon being launched out of launcher with man training english setter on point in background

SportDOG Brand® Launcher System Revolutionizes Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Retriever training was changed forever with the introduction of “wingers” and other rubber-band-type devices that could fling dummies or birds from long distances, creating realistic, challenging marks. Now, SportDOG has raised the bar with a new remote launcher system that provides more efficiency and versatility than anything else on the...

man petting black lab dog on tailgateman petting black lab dog on tailgate

Where to Find a Dog with the Right Stuff - Part 3

by Charlie Jurney

I talked about getting the pick of the litter in Part 2 of this article series. Now you have to decide whether you want a started dog or a finished dog. So now you know what you’re looking for in a puppy, but what if you do not want to deal...

Man and woman petting and rewarding yellow lab for retrieving dummyMan and woman petting and rewarding yellow lab for retrieving dummy

Keeping the Fun in Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Wouldn’t it be nice in the middle of a rough day if someone stopped by and said a few words that made all your cares go away? Instantly your negative feelings would disappear and you’d be happy. Well, in retriever training, there is something that can have that effect on...

Yellow lab in orange e-collar behind tall yellow grass.Yellow lab in orange e-collar behind tall yellow grass.

Getting Your Retriever in the Thick of Things

by Rick Grant

If you were going to go pheasant hunting on a farm where you’d never been before, where would you start your search? You would probably head for the thickest cover because you know that’s where birds feel safest and therefore tend to hang out the most, right? Well, when you...

man walking with black lab on leash while hold training dummiesman walking with black lab on leash while hold training dummies

Straight Talk About Protein for Hunting Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

As I travel across the country attending field trials, visiting kennels and hunting, I get a lot of questions about dog food for some reason. One topic that stimulates many questions is protein quality and protein’s role in dog nutrition. Protein is required by the body for two reasons: To provide...


Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Ben Busby

1 article

Ben Busby has hunted since he was old enough to walk. He was fortunate enough to have a mother and father who introduced him to hunting at a very early age. He harvested his first whitetail deer with a 12 gauge out of a lawn chair at age 10. From...

Tom Keer is an award-winning writer, columnist and blogger who regularly writes for over a dozen outdoor magazines. He owns The Keer Group, a full-service, outdoor marketing company and hunts and fishes with his wife and children. Don't hold it against him, but he's a setter guy. Visit him at...Tom Keer is an award-winning writer, columnist and blogger who regularly writes for over a dozen outdoor magazines. He owns The Keer Group, a full-service, outdoor marketing company and hunts and fishes with his wife and children. Don't hold it against him, but he's a setter guy. Visit him at...

Tom Keer

6 articles

Tom Keer is an award-winning writer, columnist and blogger who regularly writes for over a dozen outdoor magazines. He owns The Keer Group, a full-service, outdoor marketing company and hunts and fishes with his wife and children. Don't hold it against him, but he's a setter guy. Visit him at...

With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.

Rick Grant

3 articles

With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting.

	He is married to...

Bradley Bradshaw

1 article

Bradley was introduced to wild game hunting at 10 years old and has been passionate about it ever since. While Bradley works as a volunteer fireman, he also heads the duck hunting group DCWATERFOWL, which films hunting excursions to show fellow sportsmen the joys of waterfowl hunting. He is married to...

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