Dana Giovannello
Cabot, AR
Dana has been training and hunting over dogs for some 30 years. He started out in New Hampshire hunting pheasants, woodcocks, grouse, and ducks with his Brittney spaniel, Maize.. They moved to Alaska and stayed for 6 years, then to Idaho for 3 years, before finally resting their roots in Arkansas. Maize hunted with Dana, no matter what game Dana asked him to pick up.
Dana has been training and competing retrievers for over 17 years, having trained numerous retrievers to their Hunting Retriever (HR), Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH), Upland Hunter (UH), Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH) and Master Hunter (MH) titles. He competed in the Super Retriever Series qualifier in March 2003 and placed 2nd, which qualified him for the 2003 ESPN Great Outdoor Games. At the GOG in Reno, Windy and Dana set the all-time lowest single round record in a GOG event with a score of 2 points, finishing in 8th place. They placed 7th in the Super Retriever Series in Middleburg, Virginia recently and competed in the World Retriever Championship in Oxford, Mississippi, making it to the sixth series. He has been judging as a UKC licensed judge since 1992 and has also judged the 2004 Great Outdoor Games in Madison, Wisconsin and two Super Retriever Series events.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
There is an old saying, “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” I didn’t think any electronic collar could compare to the products I had used in the past, especially with cost, quality and dependability. A training buddy was using the SD-400S and I tried it. I was amazed with the size of the collar and transmitter and the punch it packed. For the average Joe who is looking to train one, 10 or more dogs, SportDOG has a quality collar for his or her needs at a cost that won’t break the bank, and their customer relations is second to none.
Favorite Products
For everyday training I like the FieldTrainer400S and WetlandHunter® 1825. I also like the Deluxe Bark Collar (SBC-18). I have a dog on my trailer who thinks every mark should be his and the SBC-18 keeps him quiet and relaxed.
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