Doug Williams
Troy, AL
Doug has been running labs for over 22 years and helping people make the connection between them and their dog. He enjoys running his labs and clients’ dogs in tournament hunting and flushing trials and shooting all kinds of birds over my labs. Doug believes that being committed to training and running your dog gives you a good, reliable retriever.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I like the products that SportDOG Brand makes. I also like supporting a company that gives back to the community and supports the events I attend.
Favorite Products
SD-1825CAMO Excellent waterproof transmitter.
Other Senior Prostaff

Christopher Dunlap
Chris has spent 30 years, since the age of 7, in the field, hunting whitetail deer, Eastern wild turkey, dove, duck, quail, pheasant, chukar, woodcock, and ruffed grouse. His passion is split between upland bird and waterfowl hunting. He has hunted upland game birds in South Dakota, up and down...

Scott Baldwin
Scott Baldwin Kennels offers gun-dog training, AKC/HRC hunt-test training and handling, all-breed obedience training, boarding, stud service, puppies, and started dogs. Scott has trained retrievers professionally for over 20 years and began training full-time 3 years ago. He has trained and titled well over 100 dogs, many earning dual titles...

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