Rick Grant
Fort Atkinson, WI
With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
I've tried them all, but SportDOG’s price and reliability is what made me decide to go with this line.
Favorite Products
For everyday training I like the SD-2525 because it's convenient. I never have to look down at the transmitter buttons so I can keep my eyes on the dog. Also, it has 9 levels in low, medium, and high stimulation ranges, so I can train a variety of dogs with the same unit. In the field when I'm hunting or guiding, I like the SD-1825. It's small and light, so I can wear it around my neck and it isn't in the way.
Articles by Rick Grant

4 Good Reasons to Crate-Train Your Dog
One of the first things you should do when you get a new puppy is get him used to spending time in his crate, or portable kennel. If your dog lives in the house, the crate is a good place for him to be when you don’t want him underfoot....

Introducing Your Retriever to Upland Hunting
One of the most common questions I’m asked when I’m doing training demonstrations for SportDOG is this one: “How do I keep my retriever hunting in range?” Without a doubt, keeping your dog from getting too far out in front of you when he gets on the scent of a...

Getting Your Retriever in the Thick of Things
If you were going to go pheasant hunting on a farm where you’d never been before, where would you start your search? You would probably head for the thickest cover because you know that’s where birds feel safest and therefore tend to hang out the most, right? Well, when you...
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