Training Tips
Here's how we make the most of each hunt

Proper Foot Care for Your Dog in the Season
by The SportDOG Staff
For many of us, season is here. You and your pup have worked hard for this, and it’s time to enjoy it. Nothing can end that fun quicker for you and your dog than a foot injury. The following tips will help keep your hunting partner fit and ready for...

Tom Dokken: Dedicated to the Dogs
by Tom Dokken
Looking back over my last 40 years as a professional dog trainer it seems like it was just yesterday. Although dog training has changed allot over the years, the starting point remains the same. As a young high school kid, I remember the day that made me realize that I...

Platform Training Your Hunting Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
One of the most useful training concepts for your retriever is platform training. This lesson is one that to me is an absolute necessity. There are endless applications for platform training or place training as some call it. First, you will need some sort of platform that is large enough...

Training Your Retriever to Dummies
by The SportDOG Staff
Training a retriever can be one of the most rewarding experiences any hunter can have. There are no secrets involved: just patience, repetition, perseverance, consistency and the ability to anticipate reaction. In short, the trainer needs to be just a little smarter than his pupil. This is not always as...

Making Sure Your Dog is Ready for Season
by The SportDOG Staff
For many of us, opening day is just around the corner (44 days for those of us in East Tennessee). Make sure you and your dog are ready for it. These simple guidelines can help you make the most of the off-season: 1. Maintain a Balanced Diet During season; it’s easy to...

Playing vs. Training: The Do's and Don'ts of Training Your Gun Dog Puppy
by The SportDOG Staff
When you get your pup at seven or eight weeks everything you do with him is a learning experience. This includes the walks in the yard with new smells, petting and cuddling with you and the kids and even the games you play in the front room. Puppies love to...

Summer Training for Hunting Dogs
by David Siple
Just like when we go to the shooting range to remain sharp and improve our skills, so must we set aside some time to ensure our dog remains sharp and ready for the fall hunting season, that inevitably comes faster than we realize. In addition to having “work” time with your...

Top 3 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe This Summer
by The SportDOG Staff
Summer is upon us, which means there’s even more reason to be out in nature with your pup. Whether you’re fishing, training, camping, hunting, or hiking, we have a few tips to keep in mind when bringing along your four-legged friend. These simple suggestions will make sure you and your...

Habitat is Key
by Aaron Robinson
You’re likely aware of the famous phrase by Benjamin Franklin who stated, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Now to an upland bird enthusiast I would amend this to say, “Nothing is certain in the world of upland game, except changing weather”....

Finding Your Perfect Retriever Puppy - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Choosing a Hunting Dog Puppy - Video
by Chris Akin
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Choosing a Dog - Video
by Chris Akin
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Moving to E Collar Training - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through transitioning your gun dog from a leash training program to an electronic collar dog training program. Chris makes this lesson simple and easy to follow. It can be applied...

Reinforcing Basic Obedience Commands - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through correct reinforcement of basic obedience commands. Using various dog training tools, Chris will show you how to properly train your dog to be field ready.

Downed Bird Hunting Dog Training - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasant's Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staff Tom Dokken walks you through teaching your dog to continue searching for a downed bird, even if he didn't see it land.

Footcare for Your Hunting Dog - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Brand Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever Television) Dr. Joe Spoo,DVM discusses the best way to care for your hunting dogs feet by trimming the nails and the use of boots.