Training Tips
Here's how we make the most of each hunt

Playing vs. Training: The Do's and Don'ts of Training Your Gun Dog Puppy
by The SportDOG Staff
When you get your pup at seven or eight weeks everything you do with him is a learning experience. This includes the walks in the yard with new smells, petting and cuddling with you and the kids and even the games you play in the front room. Puppies love to...

Choosing a Hunting Dog Puppy - Video
by Chris Akin
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Pup's First Hunt - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (Originally Aired on Pheasants Forever Televsision) SportDOG Senior Pro Staffer Tom Dokken gives tips on your pup's first hunt. A gun dog's first time in the field should set him up to enjoy hunting for the rest of his life.