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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt


Advanced, Basic, Hound, Puppy, Upland, Waterfowl

two black lab puppies in the water next to man stand in water holding pigeontwo black lab puppies in the water next to man stand in water holding pigeon

The RIGHT Way to Introduce Your Retriever Pup to Water

by Lyle Steinman

My method for introducing a young dog to water is tied to my expectation that that dog comes from a line of retrievers that absolutely thrive on the challenge of water work, whether it’s during a hunt test, field trial or waterfowl hunting. Start with good genetics. Do your pup’s...

Off-Season Tune-Ups for a Better FallOff-Season Tune-Ups for a Better Fall

Off-Season Tune-Ups for a Better Fall

by Tom Dokken

Sometimes during hunting season our dogs “get away with stuff,” for lack of a better description. This happens to everyone because, let’s face it, when the hunting is good, stopping to work on training isn’t top of mind. After all, bird seasons only last for a few short weeks or...

yellow lab laying down behind fence flagsyellow lab laying down behind fence flags

6 Tips for Containment System Training

by Charlie Jurney

Judging by the number of homes whose yards are decorated with white pet containment training flags these days, it seems that in-ground fencing has gone mainstream. It’s great that dog owners are taking responsibility for keeping their pets from wandering. While the basics of setting up and training a dog...

Man checking fit of e-collar on setterMan checking fit of e-collar on setter

Making the Case for E-Collar Simplicity

by Chris Akin

Depending on your background, your opinion about using an electronic training collar probably falls into one of three categories: 1) You think the modern e-collar is the greatest tool ever invented; 2) You think the evil “shock” collar has no place in dog training; or 3) You are afraid to...

lady kneeling with fence flags in her hand looking at yellow lab laying down behind fence flags in groundlady kneeling with fence flags in her hand looking at yellow lab laying down behind fence flags in ground

What you MUST Understand About Dog Containment Systems and E-Collar Training

by Tom Dokken

Just like modern e-collars, the newest in-ground fencing systems, also known as containment systems, have improved life for dogs and their owners. A containment system helps keep your dogs from wandering out of the yard, which is great for their safety and your own peace of mind. A containment system can...

Finding Your Dog's “Just Right” E-Collar LevelFinding Your Dog's “Just Right” E-Collar Level

Finding Your Dog's “Just Right” E-Collar Level

by The SportDOG Staff

Many times, for a new hunting dog owner who’s just purchased their first remote trainer, there’s an urge to strap on the collar right away and start pressing buttons. Some novice trainers mistakenly think that a modern e-collar is a magic remote control, in which dogs instantly and  robotically obey...

Choosing the Right E-CollarChoosing the Right E-Collar

Choosing the Right E-Collar

by Tom Dokken

Here is a list of the SportDOG® e-collar systems we will be discussing in this remote trainer guide: SportDOG SD-825X remote trainer SportDOG SD-1225X remote trainer SportDOG SD-1825X remote trainer Purchasing your first SportDOG® Brand remote training collar or upgrading from an older model isn’t particularly difficult, but it does require some thought about...

Woman and dog with e-collarWoman and dog with e-collar

5 Dog Training Tactics to Beat the Summer Heat

by The SportDOG Staff

With year-round training comes the task of training in hot weather. SportDOG® ProStaff members and professional trainers Lynne Frady, of Super Dog Obedience & Gun Dog Training, and Billy Mosley, of Avery Creek Retrievers, offer their best tips for dog owners to keep hunting dogs safe and cool during hot...

Yellow lab highly focused, sitting next to handler lining her out.Yellow lab highly focused, sitting next to handler lining her out.

How To Effectively Communicate With Your Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

The reality with dogs is that they don’t speak English. They don’t speak French or Latin or Spanish. Dogs are associators. Dogs learn to associate human words with actions and events and therefore you can absolutely communicate effectively and clearly with your dog - both verbally and non-verbally. Below, we’ll discuss...

Lady holding flags for fence looking at yellow lab laying down behind fence flagsLady holding flags for fence looking at yellow lab laying down behind fence flags

The All-In-One Tool Every Dog Owner Needs

by The SportDOG Staff

We know there are several tools available to help with training. From e-collars, to In-Ground Fence™ systems, and bark collars … it takes a lot of tools to train and manage a dog. The below scenarios further illustrate just how many tools it can take for proper training. 1)    Boundary Training -...

Man holding e-collar remote next to black lab that is panting.Man holding e-collar remote next to black lab that is panting.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Training Your Gun Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

The best thing about the years that SportDOG® employees and our ProStaffers have spent training dogs is that we've made mistakes. We preach the value of mistakes because you’ll learn from them even more than your successes, but there's no reason you can't learn from ours, too. These are 5...

Yellow lab laying on the couch during a holidayYellow lab laying on the couch during a holiday

Dog Training: When the Trainer Becomes the Trainee

by The SportDOG Staff

In the gun dog world, I often hear people say, “I trained that dog.” But, is that statement really true? Have you ever considered the fact that maybe the dog you just “trained” actually trained you? Here are two instances, when you have become the trainee. 1) SMART DOGS At some point...

Man kneeling and looking down at yellow lab who is sitting looking up at himMan kneeling and looking down at yellow lab who is sitting looking up at him

What's Your Sport Dog Saying To You?

by The SportDOG Staff

Although our hunting dogs can’t talk with us, they do give cues that we can interpret. These are simple signs, that any dog owner can learn to read and understand. Signs Your Dog Is Nervous During Training A nervous or timid dog will make mistakes. If you notice any of the cues...

Two English Setters on point in woodsTwo English Setters on point in woods

Why One Hunting Dog Isn't Enough

by The SportDOG Staff

Do you ever stop and look around your house, and think, "man, I have a lot of dogs?" It's OK. Upland hunters and waterfowlers are always acquiring more. We need more shotguns, more shells to pump through them, more floating decoys, more field decoys. Boats, motors, leases, land access …...

Man and woman sitting on porch with two setter puppiesMan and woman sitting on porch with two setter puppies

Gun Dog Training: 3 Things Your Puppy Should Learn

by The SportDOG Staff

If you’re reading this article, you probably own, have owned, or are thinking about owning a gun dog puppy. To train your puppy to be a retrieving machine, here are three things that are crucial to teach it from day one. 1) Socialize, Socialize, Socialize Your home is unfamiliar to your new...

Draathar running through the snow.Draathar running through the snow.

5 Must-Read Safety Tips for Working Your Dog in the Winter

by The SportDOG Staff

Keep your training sessions with your dog quick and efficient to stave off cabin fever, while keeping your dog safe in inclement weather. For those of you caught in the polar vortex, you know it can limit your time out with your dog. The freezing cold temperatures can make it tempting...

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