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Training Tips

Here's how we make the most of each hunt


Advanced, Basic, Hound, Puppy, Upland, Waterfowl

pile of waterfowl gear with focus on camouflaged e-collar systempile of waterfowl gear with focus on camouflaged e-collar system

Waterfowl Gear Checklist

by The SportDOG Staff

Each year, thousands of hunters prepare for the upcoming waterfowl seasons. From cleaning neglected decoys, to getting a retriever in shape, the chance to have a productive waterfowl season begins by properly gearing up. Here is a rundown of what just about any hunter will need when going afield this...

3 Common Dog-Training Mistakes To Avoid3 Common Dog-Training Mistakes To Avoid

3 Common Dog Training Mistakes To Avoid

by The SportDOG Staff

Training a hunting dog is a fun and enjoyable experience. If trained correctly, the results will be a dog that is a joy to take hunting and a valuable partner in the field. The SportDOG® Pro Staff weighs in on the three most common dog-training mistakes to avoid. Waiting Too Late...

man looking at blck lab while holding leash and training dummies. Whistle and e-collar hanging from man's looking at blck lab while holding leash and training dummies. Whistle and e-collar hanging from man's neck.

5 Things to Remember When Training Your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Training your own gun dog can be one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences of any pet owner’s life. The sense of pride and elation that one feels after their dog has learned a new command is only rivaled by the feelings of doubt and frustration after a training...

SportDOG® Brand Announces Winners of 2017 Companions for Conservation ContestSportDOG® Brand Announces Winners of 2017 Companions for Conservation Contest

SportDOG® Brand Announces Winners of 2017 Companions for Conservation Contest

by The SportDOG Staff

Earlier this year, SportDOG called for families with children between the ages of 10 and 18, who have an interest in hunting and conservation, to submit a dog training, youth-education project, hunting, or wildlife-habitat related photo via social media or online web form, after which, 9 finalists were chosen to...

Black lab jumping in to water to retrieve dummy with man standing on shore.Black lab jumping in to water to retrieve dummy with man standing on shore.

5 Training Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

by The SportDOG Staff

Keeping a hunting dog in shape during the off season will give it the best chance to perform at peak levels once the hunting season opens in the fall. The continued workouts will maintain tough paw pads, loose joints, proper weight, and preserve endurance and stamina. To achieve this, training must...

Beagle laying calmly on porch with bark collar onBeagle laying calmly on porch with bark collar on

3 Facts About the NoBark SBC-R Bark-Control Collar

by The SportDOG Staff

One of the latest products from SportDOG, that embodies this acceptance of the new-age technology, is the NoBark SBC-R. Engineered to offer the most advanced bark detection possible, the SBC-R continues to raise the bar of expected performance in electronic bark-control collars.

SportDOG® Brand Kicks Off Fourth Annual Companions for Conservation ContestSportDOG® Brand Kicks Off Fourth Annual Companions for Conservation Contest

SportDOG® Brand Kicks Off Fourth Annual Companions for Conservation Contest

by The SportDOG Staff

We’re excited to announce the kick off of our 4th annual Companions for Conservation contest! This social-media based giveaway will result in 3 lucky youth hunters winning prize packages with items related to hunting, conservation, and dog training. Below are more details about the prizes and how to enter. Grand Prize Started...

Older Walker Coon Hound being quiet in dog box with bark collar on.Older Walker Coon Hound being quiet in dog box with bark collar on.

3 Myths About Bark-Control Collars

by The SportDOG Staff

Reliability, simplicity, and effectiveness are among the reasons to use a bark-control collar, as well as why they’ve become increasingly more common with dog owners in recent years. However, when the electronic bark-control collar was first introduced, questions and skepticism regarding its use were brought up by multiple sources. Over time,...

Beagle being quiet with bark collar on. Barn in the background.Beagle being quiet with bark collar on. Barn in the background.

5 Reasons To Use The SportDOG Brand® NoBark SBC-R Collar

by The SportDOG Staff

Let’s face the facts … dogs bark! For most dog owners, barking is considered a norm. However, there are a variety of circumstances and situations in which owners seek out ways to correct this behavior. Most commonly, owners look for assistance through the use of an electronic bark-control collar. Leading the way...

Yellow Lab puppy holding puppy dummy retrieving tool in mouth.Yellow Lab puppy holding puppy dummy retrieving tool in mouth.

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your Gun Dog Puppy

by Greg McGuffin

Owners of puppies make countless training mistakes. They may not know it initially, but it’s the little things that separate professional trainers from owners that dabble in training. As a professional trainer, I’ve see every type of misguided puppy and spent countless hours undoing bad habits. Commonly, when a 6-month-old puppy...

Waterfowl gear with focus on camouflage e-collarWaterfowl gear with focus on camouflage e-collar

How To Choose An E-Collar For Retriever Training

by Charlie Jurney

Opinions on the right way to choose and use a remote electronic collar for retriever training are as varied as the countless training methods used to create a top-notch waterfowl dog. I’ve been fortunate that my time and experience in retriever training have allowed me to experiment with a lot...

TEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting SuccessTEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting Success

TEK 2.0 Improves Grouse Hunting Success

by The SportDOG Staff

The TEK 2.0 from SportDOG Brand® has turned out to be a real difference-maker in my grouse and woodcock guiding in northern Minnesota. I admit I wasn’t always a fan of using a tracking product, because to me it sounded like one more piece of equipment I’d have to maintain....

Setter on point wearing red GPS collarSetter on point wearing red GPS collar

How to Match Your E-Collar to Your Hunting Conditions

by Tom Keer

One of my dogless hunting buddies lives in the city. He's the guy who has all the new gadgets. I kidded him about all his new toys and he tried to explain it like this; he said he’s an “early technology adaptor.” Say what? In my “bird hunter's English,” I...

man putting e-collar on German shorthaired pointerman putting e-collar on German shorthaired pointer

Proper Introduction to the E-Collar

by Chris Akin

The e-collar is an amazing tool. It can fine-tune a dog, extend your control, and even save an animal’s life. But here’s the thing: You must understand what it is. It is not a magic bullet. I call it a polishing tool. It’s an enforcement tool and a distance minimizer. What...

Yellow lab panting with e-collar onYellow lab panting with e-collar on

Summer Hazards – 5 Precautions for your Hunting Dog

by The SportDOG Staff

Summertime means extra fun in the sun, but it also means some new dangers. These tips will help make sure you and your hunting partner stay safe in the field: Increased Hydration – Warmer weather means increased chanced of heat exhaustion for you and your dog. Even mild temperatures can pose...

Black lab getting pets from trainerBlack lab getting pets from trainer

Poor Performance in Bird Dogs

by The SportDOG Staff

Your bird dog has been a strong, eager hunter with lots of pizzazz and snap, but now he has lost that snap, speed and stamina. He still eats well, is bright and alert and has normal bowel movements. Have you over-trained the dog or is it poor nutrition, heartworms or...

Gear The Way You'd Design It