Training Tips
Here's how we make the most of each hunt

Season is Coming - A Checklist for Opening Day
by The SportDOG Staff
The most anticipated time of the year is upon us…Opening Day! As you and your hunting buddies plan the first big trip, it’s important to make sure you’re fully ready for what lies ahead. There’s nothing worse than getting out in the field and realizing you’re missing equipment, something got...

Working with Different Dogs
by Tom Keer
I’m a setter man. I’ve owned Irish setters and English setters, and some day I’ll probably own a Gordon setter. I like the way they hunt with their heads held high, their energy, and their biddable natures. Setters like people, and even better than that they like having a job...

E-Collars: Finding the Right One and Using it Correctly
by Lynne Frady
I’m not sure if any other training tool stirs a debate like e-collars. Some people love them and others think they were made by the devil himself. This leaves many novices confused about what they’re getting into with an e-collar. After years of training and experience, I can officially tell...

Shed Hunting: Help Your Dog Help You - Part 2
by The SportDOG Staff
In my last article I described the benefits of shed antler hunting in the off-season and how to get your dog started in this fun sport. Now let me go into more detail about how to teach your dog to efficiently hunt for sheds. A dog has three weapons to use...

Spring Training for Your Gun Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
The warm weather is upon us and the dogs are no longer content to spend time inside. It’s time to be working and getting ready for season. Polar vortexes may have limited your ability to be out this winter, so it’s very important to be out now enjoying the sunshine...

Shed Hunting: Starting Your Dog Out the Right Way - Part 1
by The SportDOG Staff
It’s too bad bird seasons only last a few months. It seems like fall arrives and brings the excitement of pheasant and duck hunting, but then before you know it winter has set in and all you can do is dream and wait for the next season. Thankfully there’s another...

Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
Our NoBark Collars are famous for helping teach your dog when to be silent, but how do you know which one is right for your gun dog? We offer three models of NoBark collars to allow you to pick the best solution for your dog. Below are some helpful tips...

What You Need to Know About the SportDOG Launcher
by The SportDOG Staff
We are proud to announce that the SportDOG Brand® Remote Launcher System is hitting stores near you. We have information about the latest in our dog training line on our website. Currently, these are not available for purchase directly from us, but they are hitting shelves at brick and mortar...

Making a Difference for the Grouse Population in North Dakota
by The SportDOG Staff
Susan Felege and her partners with the University of North Dakota received a SportDOG Brand Conservation Fund Grant in 2012 for their work in investigating the Nesting Ecology-Response to Gas and Oil Development in Western North Dakota. A year into the project, the team has learned a lot about nesting...

Don't Overlook Steady in Your Wetland Training Arsenal
by The SportDOG Staff
When you think of wetland hunting with your pup, the importance of water retrieves is probably the first thing that comes to your mind. Steady is also an incredibly important command for a waterfowl dog. As we all know too well, the sport takes patience for yourself and your dog....

Top 3 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe This Summer
by The SportDOG Staff
Summer is upon us, which means there’s even more reason to be out in nature with your pup. Whether you’re fishing, training, camping, hunting, or hiking, we have a few tips to keep in mind when bringing along your four-legged friend. These simple suggestions will make sure you and your...

Habitat is Key
by Aaron Robinson
You’re likely aware of the famous phrase by Benjamin Franklin who stated, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Now to an upland bird enthusiast I would amend this to say, “Nothing is certain in the world of upland game, except changing weather”....

Finding Your Perfect Retriever Puppy - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through selecting a puppy. Akin discusses the pros and cons of owning, hunting and training females dogs versus males.

Moving to E Collar Training - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staffer Chris Akin walks you through transitioning your gun dog from a leash training program to an electronic collar dog training program. Chris makes this lesson simple and easy to follow. It can be applied...

Downed Bird Hunting Dog Training - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasant's Forever TV) SportDOG Brand Senior Pro Staff Tom Dokken walks you through teaching your dog to continue searching for a downed bird, even if he didn't see it land.

Footcare for Your Hunting Dog - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Brand Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever Television) Dr. Joe Spoo,DVM discusses the best way to care for your hunting dogs feet by trimming the nails and the use of boots.